Module: Ethical Reflection on Food and Agriculture
Since the number of participants is limited, students are asked to submit a short letter of motivation to participate in the module. Applications for participation in WS 2024/25 can be submitted from September 30 to October 13, 2024.
Please send your letter of motivation to stating the following:
1. Your name
2. Your nationality
3. Your study programme
4. Study programme level (M.Sc./B.Sc./Ph.D.)
5. Statement of motivation: I want to take the course 'Ethical Reflection on Food and Agriculture' because... (max. 150 words)
Module "Ethical Reflection on Food and Agriculture" at the University of Hohenheim

I. Learning objectives
The module "Ethical Reflection on Food and Agriculture" provides basic knowledge of ethical theory and frameworks for ethical analysis, as well as of their application to the field of contemporary food and agricultural research and practice. Furthermore, course participants are introduced to methods of critical reading, identification of ethical issues and their underlying moral principles, and of ethical reasoning and evidence-based argumentation with respect to the multi-functionality of agriculture.
Drawing on inputs from innovative teaching methods that combine theory and on-the-ground experiences from lecturers and guest speakers from various sectors (academia, civil society organizations, development cooperation, private sector), this module creates a space for inspired change makers and ethics thinkers to exchange their thoughts on and critically discuss current ethical issues related to food and agriculture.
The module is following an interactive didactic approach for identifying the impact of concurrent global challenges on the different members of society (small and large scale farmers, consumers, civil society organizations, industry and retailers, the public sector, and scientists) and the environment, as well as for defining the roles and responsibilities of the various actors in meeting these challenges.
II. Module description
The structure of the module is reviewed on a yearly basis to incorporate the suggestions of students of the past years. Currently, the module is structured in the following two parts:
In Part I, under the guidance of an ethicist from the International Center of Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW, University of Tübingen), students will become acquainted with basic knowledge of ethical theory and tools for ethical argumentation, including:
- Recognition of ethical problems and questions in the area of food and agriculture
- Determination and shaping of ethical questions on the basis of a theoretical guideline
- Development of ethical argumentation skills, articulating ethical positions and approaches to argue within discussions.
In Part II, students will practice the identification and critical reflection on ethical issues related to the field of food and agriculture together with guest speakers, both academics and practitioners. The topics dealt during Part II of the seminar have been selected through an interactive process involving students' suggestions. In WS 2024/25, the topics include:
- Large scale land acquisition
- Ethics of research
- Ethics of biofuel production
- Ethics of livestock farming / animal welfare
- Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) from a social science perspective
- Ethics of food aid
- Ethics of organic agriculture.
Should you have further questions please feel free to contact:
Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Claudia Bieling -